12 June 2013

A New Chinese Sign

Spent the day in Changsha.  More on that later when I have time to write; but here is my "New Favorite Chinglish Sign" found outside the bathroom of the Fire Palace Restaurant (Marty, Josh  should remember this one ... Stinky Tofu, anyone?)

We know the bathroom floor is wet.
We know you are going to fall.
So just be careful when you do!


www.martymercer.com said...

slide carefully as opposed to suddenly? or unexpectedly? or harshly?

Mitchell said...

Marty, based on the amount of um, shall we say, "Liquid" on the bathroom floor - I would venture to guess both unexpectedly AND harshly!!

سما المثالية said...

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تقدم لكم شركة سما المثالية خدمات داخل المملكة العربية السعودية بالرياض والدمام والاحساء والقصيم
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