16 November 2010

Paragon People

So as was expected, my portion of the project is beginning to wind down.

Quality Systems are fully functional (sure a few bumps here and there, but they have the tools to resolve).  We expect ISO certification and Corporate Brand Approval later this month..
The Engineering Systems are coming on-line nicely and the interactions between Engineering and Quality grow stronger by the day.
Product is shipping and the local team continues to push for a smoother and more steady flow of manufacturing.
And, we held our Grand Opening in October with full Chinese fanfare.

Therefore, I am now home. I anticipate being here for several months until a new process is deployed late next spring and then I would forecast a short visit to ensure it is properly linked to the business systems we have installed.

So what is the future?

It is possible that they may add a new product late next year and I would think that I would be asked to help again – but no guarantees.

But as I look back on the last year and a half and reflect on what we have done and what we are doing and everything I have shared with you about Xiangtan, I realize there was one aspect I have not talked much about: our accommodations. You guys need to know about the Paragon Hotel.

It’s a 5 star Chinese hotel (the only one in town). It is big, spacious, and roomy. Quite nice actually.

The people there treat us very well and obviously we know most of them and they all know us. If we need something, they do a great job of trying to satisfy that need (even if sometimes to the point of going overboard - coke and ginger for a head cold anybody?). We tend to be a bit, um, goofy (borderline silly on occasion) with them and I do think that most of the hotel team would much rather interact with us because 1) we are more relaxed than the usual, stuffy, self-important Chinese guest, and 2) they get to practice their English/Chinglish (did you know that a Corona Beer is actually pronounced “Corrola”?)

The hotel often reminds me of Star Trek because your uniform determines your rank and position (so much for the communism means everybody is equal philosophy). They have the Grey Suits (front desk check in/out), the Black Dresses (Lounge and Breakfast Restaurant), the Red Dresses (Greeters at front door), Blue Shirts/Gold Dresses (Chinese restaurant), the Brown dresses (Room Housekeeping), the Blue jumpsuits (Facilities), the White Coats (Common Area Cleaning) and the Black Suits (General Management), etc., etc.

I’ll probably get in trouble with some of them here and I probably sound like Sally Field (“they like me, they really, really like me”), and it's impossible to name them all; but we would never have survived without them including ...
Our most favorite Blue Shirt/Gold Dress Friend, Evie. She takes care of us at the 1 ½ floor Chinese Restaurant. She knows what we like and what we don’t like and always manages to have Table 8 available for us (8 is the most lucky number). She is absolutely the best!! I cannot brag enough about her!! (“Please.”)
Linda, Wu Ting, and Wang Na (black Dresses) maintain our sanity by providing the necessary refreshments every day at 06:00 (including those awful fuzzy nuts).
Kress and Peony (Red Dresses) greet us at the door each day as we return and their smiles can melt away the worst day and turn it into good day.
Tanya (Blue Shirt) takes care of us if we have a large dinner and need a private room.
Mabel and Linda (#2) greet us at Breakfast.
Burley is the Big Bellhop who can find a taxi or a private car for us at a moment’s notice (though he would never let us use the Rolls).
Danny and Carol (Black Suits) are assistant managers who coordinate everything and everybody and keep our lives flowing smoothly.
And all those who’s names escape me are equally just as important and we owe them all a huge thank you.

It’s impossible to walk through the hotel without each and everyone on the hotel staff speaking to us (some we even bumped into out and about in the city) and they do truly spoil us.

Every need is met with a smile.

And oh, those beautiful smiles!

So until Mitchell’s Big Adventure begins a new chapter; I will leave you with …

… Paragon People.








Anonymous said...

I have to wonder about all the pictures are of you hugging cute Chinese girls and no pictures of these men you mentioned!

... Pete Arsenault

Mitchell said...

Hey, Mama didn't raise no fool!!

www.martymercer.com said...

the ubiqutous chinese smile and peace sign! nice blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stories, memories, and musings S'Mitch. We've all been there with you.
