We all know – at least we all SHOULD know - that Frodo and Bilbo Baggins shipped out on the last boat into the west on their final journey to the Undying Lands.
What was never explained was exactly what happened to their home Baggett?
For centuries now that question has never been answered. Did they sell? Did they bequeath it to those horrid other Baggins from the Shire? Maybe Samwise or Merri or even Perrigin Took made it their home? No one really knows and Tolkien never explained. I have always wondered that.
No more.
I have found it!
Its right here in Xiangtan and apparently, it has, um, fallen into a state of despondency and definitley in need of repair.
So for those looking for the Shire and for Hobbitt sized homes – search no more. Just come to Xiangtan and you can see it, too!
The locals feet are too small and don't have hair on the bottom of their feet, can't be the right house.
But you have to admit … a small. Little, storage room/house/jail(?) with a green door built into the side of a giant hillside is a pretty awesome discovery!!
Love the stories, Mitchell! Keep them up! And.... If you’re in ATL visiting Sam, please give me a call! Would love to see you!
... Janice C
Yes, you are right, behind that door could lead to many great adventures for you!
... Marty
What was that hobbit house? For real…it was hard to tell just how little…but the grass next to it made the door look like it was a foot tall?
.... Carol
The door is actually about 5 feet tall - so a short door. I have no idea why or what is behind it.
Alice in Wonderland maybe???
... Mitchell
Egert's new apartment?
... Kosita
At least they have some shrubbery!
... Whitmj
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