A quick taxi ride and we found ourselves standing on the sidewalk – perhaps the only Westerner to have graced this section of town. Actually, I’m sure others have been here, but I would bet not many. I had pretty much guessed the location based on some earlier excursions, but had not actually walked down the street itself. Now if you remember a few posts back I wrote about the night we had “basic” Chinese? Well, this is REALLY basic Chinese.
Each “restaurant” is no more than a concrete room maybe 12’ x 12’ that most likely serves as a storage room when they are closed because all of the cooking, cleaning, and serving occurs out on the sidewalk. There are probably 20 of these little kiosks along the street next to each other (hence the name Restaurant Street).
We walked along all of them to see who was cooking what. I’m sure its all based on whatever the owner had bought that day, so one place was cooking chicken, another pork, another fish, etc. Of course, they cook other things as well, but it sort of appeared that each location had their special-of-the-day. We just strolled along and got a great up-close-and-entirely-too-personal overview of the ambiance and process. Each owner is calling out to us (loudly, I might add) while trying to convince us that theirs was the best and we enjoyed the culinary competition they presented. Each place was set up on the sidewalk with a cooking station of gas stoves, charcoal stoves, chopping blocks, a table full of spices and other ingredients.
We finally decided on a particular place (for no real reason other than they had the best looking chicken and the location was pretty much mid-street providing the best view of all the crazy action going on).
Across the street there are small tables set up for dining and since it is cold and wet right now, they have put up small tents over the tables. The chairs are small plastic seats that required a little wriggling to fit our big American hind-sides into and we prayed they would support our big American masses.
As you can see from the pictures, the whole area would be defined as “sanitarily challenged” so we were amused and yet appreciative at the subtle display of sanitary precautions they employ to propagate the ruse of cleanliness. For example, when our bowls, plates, glasses, and chopsticks are brought to the table, they are in a large bowl that the waitress then pours bowling water over and swishes around before placing in front of us. Of course the fact that her hands look like she had been gardening all day was to be ignored.
And of course, the food was in fact delicious! The eel was really good in the manner it was wok fried in oil with peppers (much better than the Hot-Pot style I have eaten before).
So once again, we ate wonderful food and were treated as VIPs and the eight dishes along with some drinks came to about $42.00 for six people! Only in China can you eat this good for this little money.
Jiang Ke had asked if we enjoyed it and we said yes, but that a final decision would not be rendered until the next morning based on how everyone, um, survived the night. It’s Sunday morning as I write this and Drew and I survived the night, so we gave it two thumbs up! We will go back here again and I am sure they will remember us (duh).
I did notice the irony in that at the entrance of the street was a pharmacy. But we didn’t need it. We have had basic Chinese and now we have had REALLY basic Chinese.
A similar "basic" - even "really basic Chinese:"
One 1994 evening in Nantong, several of us mounted our bikes and rode downtown to find your "basic Chinese." We landed at a spot near malfunction junction that served beer and food (emphasis on the beer). The "appetizer" special that night was a large bowl of complimentary Yangtze River snails... to go with out beer. Toothpicks were also provided for busting thru the hard crust on the outside of the little opening (I guess they were hermetically sealed that way, after the sterilization process was completed). The "meat" inside was about the size of a small English pea... mmmm, tasty (after and with said beers).
Lucky-us, HCC required all of the shots, Hep-A, Hep-B, Japanese encephalitis, etc.
I've never felt sicker than I was the next morning. I'm sure it was the beer.
Travel home safely. See you next week at The Beacon... maybe Friday lunch, 1/1/2010?
I read the posts. Yeah I remember eating in places like that when out on purchasing trips to halfway to nowhere. If you are going to live there you might as well get it over and acquire a crop of the native intestinal flora. Be careful when you go back the to the states though. The worst food poisoning I ever got was after being in China for a year and returning to the US. Some food that caused only mild stomach upset to others who ate it put me in the hospital. The Chinese bugs may be new to your GI system, but the built in the USA bugs are much tougher and will wipe you out. So it is a case of they not only get you coming but also going. One big difference is that the tab for 6 would have been about $10 back then if you added in the "bar" bill
Actually I kind of liked the eels, but the pig tendons cooked in oil were pretty bad.
As far as rail, when I was there I caught the soft seat to Nanjing and the "Chicken train" coming back by myself, just me and my Chinese English dictionary and about a year of tutoring. The soft seat was ok but no big screen TV. The chicken train was at least not a steam engine, but we passed several steamers. The chicken train is the one that the farmers take to bring their chickens to market in the big town. It stops at every siding from Nanjing to Shanghai (about 6 hours worth). Seats are wood benches facing across a small table. Each bench seat sized for three skinny Chinese butts. There is a row of bench/table combinations down each side of the car. With a narrow isle full of standing room only tickets. You sit facing each other with your knees interleaved between opposite person's legs in a sort of knee to crotch mutually assured destruction position if the train jerks to a stop fast.
Since it was evening, at least the chicken crates and net bags were empty. All that remained was a bit of chicken feathers and "residue" (olfactory and otherwise) to remind you of the morning's previous residents. I met two German PhDs on sabbatical (from Hoechst no less) who had outrun the Russian revolution the whole way across on the Trans-Siberian railway and still were right on schedule -until they hit China. English was scarce out of Shanghai, and German just didn't exist in China then. I wound up using my rusty German and nascent Chinese to get them in a cab in Shanghai to the youth hostel and translate between the (Chinese to Chinese) interpreter who spoke Putonghua, Nanjing, and Shanghai dialect (but no western languages) and the cab driver who spoke nothing but one of the 4 Shanghai dialects still in use then. A true Chinese fire drill with Teutonic overtones. German to English (in my head), English to Putonghua, then Putonghua to Shanghainese. We got there, but it was worth a whole chapter in a book by itself.
Happy New Year everyone!
Sam Mc
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